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八木澤 正 Tadashi Yagisawa

栃木県伝統工芸士、栃木県芸術祭美術展審査員、大田原竹芸研究会会長 Certified Crafter of Tochigi Prefecture Traditional Crafts, Judge in the fine art exhibition of the Tochigi Prefectural Art Festival, Chairman of the Ōtawara Bamboo Craft Study Club

作風 Style of Works

  • 豊富なアイデアを、竹材料の弾性力と摩擦力の自然な力学的調和によって実現する作品を得意とする。

Good at implementing his own prolific ideas by the natural mechanical harmony of elastic and frictional forces of bamboo materials.

  • 伝統的な技法を用いて、斬新で精神的な作品を作る。

Creates innovative and spiritual works with traditional techniques.


作成スタイル Style of Crafting

  • ​ジャズ演奏のような即興性を旨とする。そのときに使う竹材料の力学的特徴を直感的に見抜いて、作品の形が決まっていく。これは、実演においてもよく観察される。

Improvisational as Jazz performances. By intuitively comprehending the mechanical characteristic of the bamboo materials in crafting, he allows the bamboo to shape itself. This style is also well observed in live performances. 


教育スタイル Philosophy of Education

  • ​生徒にはアイデアを惜しみなく提供しながら、生徒の自主性を重視して伸ばしていく。

While munificently providing his ideas to students, he develops the individual initiatives of them.

1953   栃木県大田原市生まれ。

Born in Ōtawara, Tochigi Prefecture.

1975   竹芸家の父啓造に師事。

Apprenticed to his father, Keizō.

1978   八木澤竹芸工房として独立し、現在に至る。

Became independent as Yagisawa Bamboo Craft Studio.

1987   栃木県芸術祭美術実行委員(〜99年)



Member of executive committee of Tochigi Prefectural Art Exhibition (until 1999).

Technical guidance in Henan Province, China.  Technical guidances also in 1988 and 1990 in China.

Live performance and exhibition in Avignon Fair in France at the request of Tochigi Prefecture.

1995  第10回国民文化祭とちぎ’95大竹芸祭企画委員。

Member of planning committee of the Great Bamboo Festival of 10th National Culture Festival in Tochigi.

1996  栃木芸術祭美術展招待作家(〜現在)


Invited crafter in the fine art exhibition of Tochigi Prefectural Art Festival (to date).

Vice president of executive committee of the Amateur National Bamboo Craft Exhibition (until 1999).

1997  中国広西壮族自治区で技術指導。99年、2000年にも技術指導で訪中。

Technical guidance in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Technical guidances also in 1999 and 2000 in China.

1999  アメリカ・インディアナ州にて、栃木県の依頼により実演・作品展示。


Live performance and exhibition in Indiana State, USA at the request of Tochigi Prefecture.

Participated in "Shape of Sound" Exhibition in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture.

2000  アマチュア全国竹芸展実行委員長(〜現在)


President of executive committee of the Amateur National Bamboo Craft Exhibition (to date).

Submitted his work to "Door to the Millennium - Current Status of Prefectural Arts -" (Tochigi Prefectural Musium).

2001  第2回お・と・の・か・た・ち展(那須野ヶ原ハーモニーホール)に参加。

Participated in the 2nd "Shape of Sound" Exhibition in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture.

2003  第2回宇都宮美術の現在展(宇都宮美術館)に出品。

Submitted his work to the 2nd "Current Status of Fine Arts in Utsunomiya" (Utsunomiya Museum) .

2005  栃木県芸術祭美術展審査委員。

Judge in the fine art exhibition of the Tochigi Prefectural Art Festival.

2007  第3回宇都宮美術の現在展(宇都宮美術館)に出品(〜08年)

三人展 発光する形展(益子、宇都宮)和紙照明の鎌田泰三氏、陶芸の藤原郁三氏と共に開催

Submitted his work to the 3rd "Current Status of Fine Arts in Utsunomiya" (Utsunomiya Museum) (as well as in 2008).

Jointly held "Light-Emitting Shape" Exhibition in Mashiko and Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture with Yasuzō Kamata, a crafter of Japanese paper lights, and Ikuzō Fujiwara, a craft potter.

2012  宇都宮市民芸術祭工芸部門審査委員。

Judge in the craft section of Utsunomiya Civil Art Festival.

2013  宇都宮市民芸術祭工芸部門審査委員。

Judge in the craft section of Utsunomiya Civil Art Festival.

2014  第4回宇都宮美術の現在展(宇都宮美術館)に出品。

Submitted his work to the 4th "Current Status of Fine Arts in Utsunomiya" (Utsunomiya Museum).




He also held a lot of solo, family, and group exhibitions. He is currently an executive board member and lecturer of Ōtawara Regional Vocational Training Cetner. He had long been a lecturer of NHK Culture Center and  of Yomiuri Culture Center but he asked to suspend his classes as the preventive measure for the new coronaviras infections.

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