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竹のランプソファー Bamboo Lamp Sofa

竹のランプソファー Bamboo Lamp Sofa

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八木澤 正 Tadashi Yagisawa
竹のソファー Bamboo Sofa
乱れ編み Random Weaving
非売品 Not for Sale
貸出不可 Not for Rent
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大きさ (cm)
幅 Width
​奥行き Length
​高さ Height


This work was shown in the TV show "Next Stop Discovery" of Nihon Television Station.


In addition to the robust hexagon mesh (tortoiseshell weaving) of deoiled Madake bamboo, random weaving further increases the density of meshes and allows the work to withstand the load of human body as well as to gently receive it by the harmony of elasticity and friction of bamboo itself without any adhesive agent or wire. It is also a lampshade object and will serve as an interior for Japanese as well as Western style.

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